Master the Uppercut Punch

Uppercut punch mastery begins now!

The Uppercut Punch

The uppercut punch is a fight stopper. It sneaks up from below and often connects underneath the jaw snapping the head back causing some serious knockouts.

With proper training you can make the uppercut punch deadly and effective.

In this article I will summarize the technique tips and applications from the video that will take your uppercut punch to amazing levels… if you are willing to put in the reps.

Uppercut Gennady Golovkin
Uppercut Gennady Golovkin

Tip #1 You CAN Use Your Fist to Uppercut

Unlike the hook punch where you run a risk of breaking your hand by hitting the hard bones of the skull, the uppercut should land on the more fragile bones of the jaw or face making it much safer to use knuckles.

While you certainly can use a palm it limits your options of application as you must be closer and turn your hand in a particular way.

Unless you have small frail hands I say use the fist.

Tip #2 Uppercut with a Vertical Forearm Angle

As you uppercut keep your forearm vertical so it slides right in between the guard of the person you are hitting.

Direct your force straight up from your elbow to your knuckles.

Tip #3 Keep Your Guard Hand Up

Always always always keep your guard up! So many fighters try to generate more force behind their punch (or kick) by dropping and swinging their guard hand(s). Great if you get that grand slam knockout strike but if it is blocked or your opponent punches simultaneoulsy with you then you get hit…

and maybe their punch knocks you out… or your teeth!

Tip #4 Create a Rotational Force Behind Your Uppercut

Arm punches don’t knock people out. But hitting with your whole body does. Here are the quick steps to hit with your whole body for a lead uppercut.

  1. Initiate your rotation by shifting about 70% of your weight to your back leg
  2. Next drop your lead knee in which will get your pelvis to start rotating
  3. As your pelvis and trunk are rotating leave your fist down just slightly until you feel the stretch reflex in your chest / shoulder / arm kick in. Then let it rip,
  4. Just remember that your fist must be the last piece in the sequence to move if you want to generate maximum force behind your uppercut.
  5. Finally drive your uppercut straight up and through your opponent’s head.
  6. Allow your hand to come right back down to your on-guard position so you aren’t exposed to a counter.

How to Apply Your Uppercut

Fire out a jab and cross and watch where your opponent’s hands go. Often times there will be a hole right in the middle of their guard where you can fire off your uppercut.

Another clever way to use your uppercut is as a lead. Fire off some jabs letting your elbow flare out. This will get your opponent in a rhythm of using poor parry mechanics. Then fire your uppercut as a long-distance lead like your jab. Due to your elbow being in vs. it flaring out before, when your opponent goes to parry he will be conditioned to parry down and your uppercut will slip through.

There are of course multiple ways to use the uppercut and on the video I show 2 more methods that I use with great success.

Final Thoughts

Remember this is Jeet Kune Do and the uppercut punch is one of the strikes from boxing that many of us JKD fighters integrate. That doesn’t mean it is for everyone though. With the proper coaching you can figure out if it is a good tool for you. And with the video and article above you now have the technique and some good quality application ideas so you can get your reps in and build those skills.

Until next time,