Your Jab – the Tip of the Spear
Your jab is your number one offensive weapon. You use it to create openings that ultimately lead to the end of the fight.
Polish and refine this tool and it will be your strongest ally. Neglect it and train bad habits and it might get you knocked out.
The following tips will help you to train it correctly.
Step Forward at a 45° Angle
You will likely start your attack from just outside of your attacker’s reach. That means you will need to step in to attack.
Remember your opponent is aiming for your face!
If you step straight forward you might walk right into their punch and BAM! It will increase the impact.
So instead step forward at a 45 degree angle. Ideally towards their back and away from their rear power hand.
Another way to say that is ask yourself what is the fastest direction to get to their back, to the left or to the right? Go that direction.
Tuck Your Chin & Raise Your Shoulder
As you jab and step forward your punching side face is exposed. For instance if you have your left side forward and jab with your lead hand you will be throwing a left jab.
Your rear right hand can be used to block but the left side of your face is exposed.
You can guard your left jaw and face by tucking your chin and raising your jabbing shoulder (the left one in this instance) as you jab.
Now the upper part of your head is still exposed but your jaw and cheek should now be covered by your shoulder. A lot of knockouts come from getting hit on the jaw so you really want to protect it.
Keep Your Rear Guard Hand Up
Don’t just merely have it up but actively project it forward out in front of your face.
What happens if your guard hand is an inch away from your face and your opponent’s punch slams into your guard hand?
It goes through and smashes you in the face.
But if you project it forward you can absorb their punch and protect your money maker.
I have all of my clients train this stepping jab with their guard nearly every single session. It is that important.
If you want to get reps at home here is a pro user trick. Every time you go to the bathroom, square up with the bathroom mirror.
Step forward at a 45 degree angle and fire your jab. Don’t hit the mirror…
Pay attention to what you see. Do you see much of your face exposed? Raise your shoulder, tuck your chin, raise your rear guard hand.
Do 3 – 5 reps every time you go to the bathroom and watch how good you get.
P.S. I wouldn’t do this in a public bathroom… or would I?
Until next time,