Will a Guy Be Ready to Block the Groin Kick?

“A guy will be expecting a kick to the groin so don’t do that” is a frequent thing I hear well-intentioned self-defense instructors say.

But is that really the case? In today’s video and article I will address if a guy will really be ready for a kick to the groin.

Are Guys Ready for a Kick to the Groin?

Do a search for World Star Hip Hop fights on the Tube and you will see all you need to know. People wildly flailing at each other. Groins open and exposed just begging to be kicked.

“ok but Brian those are guys fighting. I’m a woman and what if a guy is attacking me?”

Fair question. Think about it this way… if he believes he is the superior predator how guarded will he really be? Now he may be any degree of aggressiveness from mild to high but one thing is for certain… he won’t be walking in sideways protecting his groin nor will he be ready at a moment’s notice to cancel his attack and protect the groin kick.

And if he is guess what? … Good!

You want him thinking about defending himself AGAINST YOU not what he is going to DO to you.

OH Crap He Blocked the Groin Kick! Now What

Most people think “oh no I failed” but what I want you to think is “great now that he is worried about his groin I’ll attack his face!”

You see you should always be on the attack. If you are not attacking then he is. If he blocks your groin kick then that means something else just became open. Most likely his face. Now attack his face.

If he defends his face then kick his groin again. Just do what line #2 of the shampoo bottle says… “Repeat until desired results.”

Groin > Face > Groin > Face > etc.

Groin Kick
Groin Kick

Final Thoughts

If you always expect failure; meaning you always expect him to block your groin kick and are prepared to follow up with your next strike then you will never be caught unprepared.

Of course he likely won’t block your groin kick and since it is one of the most effective strikes you can do GO FOR IT!

Until next time,