Can You Recover From a Failed Disarm?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen security camera footage of an armed robber stick a gun out and the person being robbed just grabs the gun away.
I mean it is truly staggering.
These would-be victims are not trained in gun disarms. They just had the opportunity and were not having any of the criminal’s funny business.
Having said that sometimes the criminal reacts in time and the 2 of them wind up in a struggle over the gun.
In a situation like this it can be VERY difficult to get the gun away since the person with the gun will instinctively shield the gun.
Shielding the Gun
Shielding is where someone pulls the gun back to their rear hip or waist. This puts their entire body in front of the person who is trying to do the disarm.
Plus they will often use their front arm to push the disarmer away.
I actually teach something very similar to my students after they disarm a gun.
So if you were to attempt a gun disarm and things went wrong just realize that the attacker is going to try to push you away, they will pull the gun back where you can’t get your hands on it, and they will likely move away from you so that your disarm opportunity is gone.
Dumb Criminals
Now interestingly enough in most cases that I have seen of failed gun disarms the attacker initially pulls the gun away but then immediately sticks the gun right back in the would-be victim’s face. Almost like an act of ego and defiance.
“You can’t get my gun, I win!”
This of course provides another gun disarm opportunity… in which in most cases the attacker is soundly disarmed and now has a gun sticking back in their face.
The victim turned hero is often just as dumb with their firearm handling skills as the attacker is.
Hey, if you have a gun… keep space… it is a ranged weapon.
Now in some instances the attacker responds to the failed disarm by just shooting the victim.
This isn’t as common as you would think.
It will happen usually under the following circumstances:
How to Recover From a Failed Gun Disarm
Knowing what you now know you are better equipped to decide if you should even attempt the gun disarm. If you do go for it and it doesn’t go smoothly and you wind up in a struggle here are the steps to recover and get take that bad guy out!
Close the Gap
Shoot in and get a Gable grip around their waist.
They are trying to get away and make space, your job is to keep them close. You have precious little time or they might point the muzzle at you and fire.
Just remember right now they are pulling the gun away and it is likely not pointed at you.
On the left is the classic Gable grip named after famous wrestler Dan Gable. On the right is my version with thumbs on the outside. The Gable grip is stronger but I like the control that I get by leaving the thumbs out. Your choice.
Take Them Down
Get to their side, pull them in really tight by bringing your wrist and pelvis together.
Now a really easy takedown is to simple bend them backwards.
Think about turning a big steering wheel. Drive into their body with your elbows.
You will see their lower back arch and their heels slightly lift up. When that happens they are about to go down.
You can either just keep turning and most people will fall. Or you can do a pivot step away from them and down they will go.
Don’t Fall With Them
If you fall with them you are too likely to get injured.
You might do a header into the concrete. You might fall with your ribs into one of their knees. Or your face into one of their elbows.
It is much better to control your descent.
To do that take a wide stance as they are falling. Think sumo stance. Like a sumo deadlift.
If they are falling to the left then step wide with your left foot and then squat down to get low.
That way even if they pull you with them you won’t be falling… you will be lowering yourself under control.
Take Side Control
Move right into side control to smother them.
Your opponent will likely land on their side facing away from you.
Dig your knees under your opponent’s shoulder and butt to keep them facing away from you.
Put all of your weight on them… smother them. Your chest should be pinning their top upper arm so it is hard for them to move it.
Pin & Terminate
Using your arm furthest from their head pin their top wrist down. This will automatically pin their bottom arm as well.
We usually pin at the wrist because their leverage will be weakest further away from their body. You might have a hard time controlling their elbow or upper arm with a grab.
Now here is the ticket…
Drop elbows down hard and fast until they are knocked out.
The gun likely fell out of their hands as they landed but if not forget about it for a moment. It is so much faster just to knock them out from this position than to try and wrestle the gun away in almost every circumstance.
If you practice your gun disarms repeatedly and with increasing levels of challenge you should not need to recover from a failed gun disarm… but if you need to, this is a damn good way to do it.
Plus it is a great takedown period and a great way to recover from a failed anything.
And of course this side control termination is super quick and allows you to get back to your feet rapidly in the event of multiple attackers.
Until next time,